Game of Thrones Book Club | Spoiler Discussion of Episode 601, ‘The Red Woman’

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Who is Coldhands? Look no further than the Game of Thrones Book Club for the answer!

(Well… an answer.)

Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) return with their first official podcast of the Game of Thrones on-season, talking about the premiere episode of season six, “The Red Woman,” from the perspective of viewers who have also read the books.

But… isn’t this supposed to be the season without any book material to talk about? Not exactly. Josh and Terri discuss subject matter from the books that might still make it onto the show this season, and also are here to provide an outlet for readers of George R.R. Martin’s novels looking to bond together during this unprecedented time in the fandom.

Over the course of the podcast, Josh and Terri recount their time at the Game of Thrones season six premiere in Hollywood earlier this month, their theories about Jon Snow, the ramifications of Melisandre’s major reveal, the huge changes in the Dorne storyline, and much more.

The Game of Thrones Book Club records every Tuesday afternoon. Send your questions along by then by clicking here, e-mailing us at [email protected], or by tweeting at Josh and Terri on Twitter.

Read Josh’s Game of Thrones coverage at The Hollywood Reporter

Read Terri’s Game of Thrones coverage at


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