Marvel’s Daredevil Season 2 Episode 13 Recap | A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen

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What is it to be a hero? Listen to this podcast, and you’ll know.

After two and a half weeks of battling ninjas and dodging Frank Castle’s bullets — or at least watching from a safe distance as fictional characters go through those struggles — Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Kevin Mahadeo (@kevmahadeo) finally bring their Marvel’s Daredevil season two podcasts to a close, talking about the final episode of the run, “A Cold Day in Hell’s Kitchen.”

Did Daredevil stick the landing? Stick certainly did, but how about the other stories? Josh and Kevin weigh in on Elektra’s goodbye, Matt’s season-ending revelation, Karen Page’s storytelling abilities, the future of Foggy Nelson given his new job, the future of Frank Castle given his new costume, and more.

Is this the end of the Daredevil podcast? Certainly not forever, and perhaps not even for now. If Josh and Kevin receive enough feedback, they will record one more wrap-up podcast answering your questions and giving their final takes on the season and what to look forward to as Marvel’s Netflix Universe continues to expand. Leave those questions in the comments section below, or send them through our feedback form.

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