LOST Lives: A ‘Solitary’ Interview With Andrea Gabriel

Nov 17, 2014 - Andrea Gabriel (@AGabrielTweet), who played Noor "Nadia" Abed Jaseem on all six seasons of LOST, joins Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Jo Garfein (@jopinionated) to talk about the 10 year anniversary of her very first episode, "Solitary," as well as a longer view of her time on the show.


LOST Lives: The Sawyer + Charlie Show

Nov 9, 2014 - Ten years after the first airing of "Confidence Man," Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) is once again joined by Coconut Pete Ashworth (@burgundy_orange) to talk about Pete's favorite character — James "Sawyer" Ford. They also rewind the clock to discuss Charlie Pace and his first flashback episode, "The Moth." They also talk about pizza, Harry Potter, their college roommate Norm, and other nonsense.


LOST Lives: The Kwon Cast Edition!

Oct 27, 2014 - Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) and Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) will talk about the Kwons through the lens of their first flashback episode, "House of the Rising Sun," on the tenth anniversary of the episode's initial airing.


LOST Lives: Revisiting ‘White Rabbit’ 10 Years Later

Oct 20, 2014 - Jo Garfein joins Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) for a fireside chat about "White Rabbit" ten years after it first aired. It's the episode that first hooked Jo on LOST, luring her down a rabbit hole that's led to opportunities ranging from writing professional papers about LOST, to organizing the great Cancer Gets LOST charity, and more!


LOST LIVES: Revisiting ‘Walkabout’ 10 Years Later

Oct 13, 2014 - Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro) launch a semi-regular rewatch of LOST, beginning on the 10th anniversary of "Walkabout," the show's first John Locke flashback, and the episode the LOST Lives panel selected as the third best in the entire series. Josh and Antonio will also discuss aspects of "Tabula Rasa," the Kate Austen flashback that takes place between "Pilot" and "Walkabout," and features key Locke scenes.


LOST Lives: The 108 Best Episodes of Lost, Part 3

Sept 23, 2014 - The LOST Lives team concludes their ranking of the greatest episodes of LOST! Josh Wigler (@roundhoward), Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro), AJ Mass (@ajmass) and Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) conclude counting down their favorite episodes of LOST.


LOST LIVES: Revisiting The Series Premiere, 10 Years Later

Sept 22, 2014 - We have to go back! It's the ten year anniversary of the LOST series premiere! Join Josh Wigler (@roundhoward), Antonio Mazzario (@acmazzaro) and Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) as they revisit "Pilot, Part 1" and "Pilot, Part 2," recapping the events of the episode and discussing its lasting impact on television culture, ten years after it aired.


LOST Lives: The 108 Best Episodes of Lost, Part 2

Sept 18, 2014 - The LOST Lives team continues their ranking of the greatest episodes of LOST! Josh Wigler (@roundhoward), Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro), AJ Mass (@ajmass) and Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) continue counting down their favorite episodes of LOST, in the lead-up toward the 10 year anniversary of the series premiere on September 22.


LOST Lives: The 108 Best Episodes, Part 1

Sept 16, 2014 - In a special two-part podcast, the LOST Lives panel of Josh Wigler (@roundhoward), Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro), AJ Mass (@ajmass) and Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) ranks the 108 best episodes of LOST! Part 1 begins with a quick discussion of the three worst episodes of LOST, followed by the 108th pick and onward.


LOST LIVES: A ‘Solitary’ Walkabout Through Season 1

Sept 12, 2014 - On this week's LOST LIVES, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) returns to his "Island" of sorts, visiting his old college campus in Syracuse, New York for a conversation with the first person he ever watched LOST with: his old roommate Peter Ashworth.


The LOST Lives Feedback Show!

Sept 4, 2014 - The panel will discuss characters who didn't make the cut on the 42 LOST Characters We Can't Live Without draft, deaths that didn't make their list of the 23 Best LOST deaths, some of their burning questions from the series, their plans for the future of LOST Lives, and a whole lot more.