Who, Eh | Doctor Who Series 4 Episode 8, ‘Silence in the Library’
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H recap the Series 4 Episode 8, "Silence in the Library."
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H recap the Series 4 Episode 8, "Silence in the Library."
This week, Kevin, and Adam H recap the Series 4 Episode 7, The Unicorn and the Wasp with special guest, Will Affourtit (@willaffourtit).
This week, Kevin, and Adam H recap the Series 4 Episode 6, The Doctor's Daughter with special guest, Stuart (@stuartdrinkstea).
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Episode 5, The Poison Sky.
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Episode 4, The Sontaran Strategem.
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Episode 3, Planet of the Ood.
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Episode 2, The Fires of Pompeii.
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Premiere, Partners in Crime.
This week, Kevin, Melissa, and Adam H, recap the Series 4 Special, Voyage of the Damned.
What is this podcast? Why are we starting at the end of Season 3? We could just say 'timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly stuff' but instead we're going to explain everything in this kick off pod. We're also taking a look back at some of our top rated episodes so far, and letting you know how you can join in on our Who-ranking shenanigans. Allons-y!