House of Cards Season 4 Feedback Show
House of Cards Season 4 Feedback show with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Season 4 Feedback show with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 52 recap of the Season 4 Finale with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 51 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 50 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 49 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 47 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 46 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 45 recap with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Recap of Chapter 41 & Chapter 42 with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks (Chapter 41 recap was recorded before watching Chapter 42. Skip to 39:00 for the start of the Chapter 42 recap)
House of Cards Season 4 Premiere Recap (Chapter 40) with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks
House of Cards Season 4 Preview Show with Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks