The 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY Official Preview Podcast

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Note – At the time of posting we’re still waiting for iTunes to approve our 24-only podcast feed.  Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

For weeks, Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler have been counting down the days until the premiere of 24 Live Another Day as they recap one season a week. Now this Monday, the wait is finally over!!

Rob and Josh spend this final podcast before the premiere of 24 Live Another Day talking about what we can expect when the show kicks of on Monday Night, May 5, 2014 on Fox.

In this episode Rob and Josh discuss:

  • Where does the story of 24 Live Another Day pick up after Season 8 of 24?
  • Who are the returning 24 characters that we can expect to see in 24 Live Another Day?
  • Will 24 Live Another Day continue to use the real-time format we have come to expect from 24?
  • Who are the new cast members that will be added to the series in 24 Live Another Day?
  • Is there a possibility that Jack Bauer will Die at the end of 24: Live Another Day?
  • Is it safe for somebody to watch 24: LAD and then go back and watch any of the 24 seasons after the fact?
  • How many people has Jack Bauer killed in the 8 seasons of 24?  How many times has Jack said “Damnit!”

Join us LIVE this Monday night after the premiere of 24: Live Another Day to discuss

Catch up on all of Rob and Josh’s 24 Season recaps

Show Links:

The 24 Best & Worst CTU Agents of All-Time: Josh counts down the best and worst that CTU has given us for

The 24 Best Jack Bauer Kills of All-Time: Josh counts down the best times Jack Bauer took somebody’s life on

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