Chrono Trigger Epilogue: The End of Time

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Chrono Trigger Part 6: The End of Time

Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Brooklyn Zed (@hardrockhope) take a break from “Final Fantasy” to bring you their journey through “Chrono Trigger,” one of the most beloved video games of all time, all about … well, time! It’s a time travel adventure through an incredible fantasy world with an incredible cast and incredible music. What’s not to love?

This week, Josh and Zed wrap up their coverage of “Chrono Trigger,” talking through the various endings and sidequests in Zed’s final push to finish the game. Coming next: “Final Fantasy VI,” baby!

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Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

When your favorite show ends, we're just getting started. LIVE interactive podcasts take place on Youtube, right after the episode ends of shows like THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, 24 plus Netflix original shows like HOUSE OF CARDS. Post Show Recaps features Rob Cesternino from Rob Has a Podcast.

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