Chronologically Lost Down the Hatch Volume 1: Episodes 1 – 8

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Chronologically Lost Down the Hatch Volume 1: Episodes 1 – 8

Post Show Recaps presents “Tales From the Chrono Lodge,” a Down the Hatch miniseries in which hosts Josh Wigler and Mike Bloom recap Chronologically Lost. Josh and Mike originally recorded these podcasts during their coverage of Heroes, and we now present their conversations re-edited in chronological order.

In this podcast, Josh and Mike discuss the first eight episodes of Chronologically Lost, from landing on the island with Jacob and the Man in Black, through the nuclear explosion known as “The Incident.”

Stay tuned as Down the Hatch prepares to fly high with Battlestar Galactica as the next rewatch project.

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Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

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