Everything is Super | Spider-Man, Marvel and Disney News Round-Up

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Everything is Super | Spider-Man, Marvel and Disney News Round-Up

Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Kevin Mahadeo (@kevmahadeo) interrupted their regularly scheduled Spider-Man programming to stop down and take stock of a whole ton of Marvel Cinematic Universe (and other Disney+) news.

In this special edition podcast, Josh and Kevin weigh in on the various details about the shows they already know about (such as WandaVision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki and more), plus the ones they didn’t know about (a Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special!), while also taking stock of a bunch of new rumors surrounding the MCU’s third Spider-Man movie. Check it all out! Strap in! Lots of information!

Next week, Josh and Kevin will swing back into their Spider-Man journey with a discussion of the two “Amazing Spider-Man” movies. Send your feedback in at [email protected].

Swing into more Everything is Super: 

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3 | Everything is Spider-Man

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 | Everything is Spider-Man

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man | Everything is Spider-Man

Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

When your favorite show ends, we're just getting started. LIVE interactive podcasts take place on Youtube, right after the episode ends of shows like THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, 24 plus Netflix original shows like HOUSE OF CARDS. Post Show Recaps features Rob Cesternino from Rob Has a Podcast.

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