Game of Thrones Book Club | Spoiler Discussion of Episode 602, ‘Home’

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Welcome to the Game of Thrones Book Club, the Post Show Recaps podcast that talks about HBO’s Emmy-winning series from the perspective of those who have read George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels and related material. You are listening and proceeding further at your own risk.

This week, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) dive into the big reveal about Jon Snow and what it means for the show moving forward; the sudden and unexpected death of Roose Bolton, still alive in the books; the sudden and totally expected, yet still totally awesome, death of Balon Greyjoy at the hands of incoming badass brother Euron; Bran Stark’s return and the first ever appearance of Lyanna Stark; and more.

Send questions for the Book Club using our feedback form, over e-mail, or by tweeting at Josh and Terri.

Read Josh’s THR Game of Thrones Coverage
Read Terri’s IGN Game of Thrones Coverage

Additional Reading:
** Josh’s interview with director Jeremy Podeswa
** Josh’s interview with Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran)
** Terri’s interview with Gemma Whelan (Yara)
** TIME: There’s More to that Hodor Flashback
** VULTURE: Ramsay Bolton is Way Worse in the Books

Watch our Recap of “Home”

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