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Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz discuss Game of Thrones spoilers.
The Game of Thrones Book Club returns! In this week’s SPOILER filled episode, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Terri Schwartz (@terri_schwartz) discuss:
** The multiple Emmy Award nominations Game of Thrones received, including Peter Dinklage for Best Supporting Actor and Lena Headey for Best Supporting Actress. Josh and Terri talk about why they’re so excited for Lena’s nomination, given what the future has in store. They weigh in with their picks for who could walk away with Emmys, and which categories the show is likely to miss out on.
** Terri talks about her recent gig covering HBO’s presentation at the TCA Summer Press Tour for, and tells us all about asking HBO executives about the odds of a Game of Thrones movie happening.
** Josh and Terri then discuss George R.R. Martin’s recent comments on why he thinks a Game of Thrones movie is a good idea. They debate whether or not a movie could work, what GRRM’s interest in a “Thrones” movie indicates for the ending of “A Song of Ice and Fire,” whether or not prequels or flashbacks could work as movies, and more.
** In related GRRM news, the Book Club hosts talk about George R.R. Martin flipping the bird and dropping an F-bomb regarding questions of his health, and the possibility that he’ll die before finishing his series. Josh and Terri talk about whether George’s response was appropriate, inappropriate, hilarious, terrifying, or all of the above.
** Josh and Terri also forecast the Game of Thrones Comic-Con panel, being held at Hall H on Friday (July 25) at 1:40 PM PST. They discuss what kind of spoiler talk we can expect, if any, and even make a high-stakes bet regarding what questions might be asked from the “Thrones” audience.
** Finally, Josh asks Terri to weigh in on THE THRONERS, the Post Show Recaps award show happening on August 5. They go over the “WINTER COME SOONER” Award For Season Five Storyline You’re Most Excited To See, discussing each nominee through the prism of having read the books.
The Game of Thrones Book Club will return at some point after Comic-Con, date to be determined. Make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing at
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