Game of Thrones Book Club | Spoiler Discussion of Battle of the Bastards, Season 6 Episode 9

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Welcome to the Game of Thrones Book Club, the Post Show Recaps podcast that talks about HBO’s Emmy-winning series from the perspective of those who have read George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels and related material. You are listening and proceeding further at your own risk.

It’s a late book club this week, but Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) are nonetheless sinking their teeth into “Battle of the Bastards,” the ninth episode of season six, and easily one of the most epic episodes of the entire series. They fan out over the achievement of the episode for a good little while, before letting their minds wander into all sorts of theories about “The Winds of Winter.” The episode, not the book. Insert sad clown womp womp noise here.

Send questions for the next Book Club using our feedback form, over e-mail, or by tweeting at Josh and Terri.

Read Josh’s THR Game of Thrones Coverage
Read Terri’s IGN Game of Thrones Coverage

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