Game Of Thrones Book Club | The Season Five Trailer

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The Game of Thrones season five trailer is here, and Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Terri Schwartz (@terri_schwartz) are just getting started talking about it here on the latest episode of the Game of Thrones Book Club — the Post Show Recaps podcast hosted by readers of George R.R. Martin’s books, for readers of George R.R. Martin’s books.

(In other words, SPOILERS in this podcast for anyone who only watches the show.)

In this episode, Josh and Terri talk about their take on HBO’s first look at season five, what they liked about the trailer and what they’re worried won’t make the show, as well as the whole experience of seeing the final two season four episodes (“The Watchers on the Wall” and “The Children”) in IMAX. Plus, Terri tells stories of her recent interview with Sansa Stark actress Sophie Turner, and what one enigmatic clue from the chat might mean for Sansa in season five.

Josh and Terri also briefly discuss Telltale’s Game of Thrones video game series, as well as recent reports that George R.R. Martin will not release “The Winds of Winter” in 2015 — reports that both Josh and Terri consider greatly exaggerated.

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