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Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro) and Jeremiah Panhorst (@jpanhorst) review their top 5 favorite moments from the first four seasons of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, as well as posing questions they have about the upcoming season, in anticipation of their season long weekly coverage of this final season.
Our top 5 favorite moments:
Antonio’s picks
- S3E12 Richard goes on a killing spree on Gyp’s men
- S3E8 “No Maam, it’s an iron” The wrath of George Mueller
- S1E7 Enter Richard Harrow –revenge for Pearl (Toccata al Fuge)
- S1E10 “I wasn’t going to, but you kinda talked me into it” Jimmy kills Lucien D’Alessio
- S1E4 “Well, I ain’t buildin no bookcase…”
Jeremiah’s picks
- S3E12: Richard goes on a killing spree on Gyp’s men
- S2E12: Nucky kills Jimmy
- S1E10-12 The fall of the D’Alessio Brothers
- S4E11: Gillian is tricked by Roy, who is actually a Pinkerton agent, into confessing to her killing of Roger.
- S2E5: The Nucky and Eli fight
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