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Rob Cesternino and Zach Brooks recap the season 2 Finale of House of Cards, episode 13 as they review Chapter 26 of the Netflix original series. In this episode we will recap the finale and take a look back at the second season of House of Cards.
In this podcast, we will discuss:
- How believable was Frank Underwood in his interview on ’60 Minutes’?
- Was it the right move for Walker to offer a pardon to Tusk?
- How smart was it for Walker to retract the pardon on the way to Tusks hearing?
- Why was Claire Underwood crying after talking to Trisha Walker?
- Was there a significance to the Opera music in this episode?
- Is Gavin being set up to be the villain of Season 3 of House of Cards?
- Was it believable that Frank’s letter to the president would be as effective as it was
- Was Remy ever really going to testify or was it trick to make Tusk give up the President?
- Where does Remy end up next season?
- Who has Frank Underwood tabbed for the Vice President?
- Did Frank seem a little cavalier about whether or not the letter got burned in the fire?
- Did President Walker seem like he 100% trusted Frank and forgot about all of the things he had said about Frank over the last 2 episodes?
- Are we going to continue to follow Rachel’s storyline in Season 3 of House of Cards
- What will President Underwood say about the death of his chief of staff, Doug Stamper?
- What was the significance of Frank Underwood knocking on the desk?
- Where will the story pick up in Season 3 of House of Cards?
- What were the best and worst story lines of Season 2 of House of Cards?
We’ll continue to follow the House of Cards news. Keep sending us your feedback and if we have enough questions to answer, we’ll come back with another House of Cards podcast before Season 3 comes back.
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