House of the Dragon vs Game of Thrones Rewatch: Season 1 Episode 1 Comparison

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House of the Dragon vs Game of Thrones Rewatch: Season 1 Episode 1 Comparison

Game of Thrones is back with the prequel, “House of the Dragon.” Every week, Post Show Recaps provides immediate reactions, deep dive analysis, and absurd antics surrounding the return of the biggest franchise on HBO.

“House of the Dragon” centers on the Targaryan dynasty roughly 200 years before the events of “Game of Thrones.” It’s based on portions of George R.R. Martin’s 2018 novel “Fire & Blood.” Expect the show to live up to its predecessor and its very own name — with fire, blood, and dragons aplenty.

In this podcast, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and LaTonya Starks (@lkstarks) kick off their “Game of Thrones” Season 1 rewatch to go alongside the “House of the Dragon” Season 1 first watch. Every week, Josh and LT will watch the original “Thrones” at the same pace of the new series, comparing corresponding episodes with one another. This week, they compare the Season 1 premieres of both shows.

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Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

When your favorite show ends, we're just getting started. LIVE interactive podcasts take place on Youtube, right after the episode ends of shows like THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, 24 plus Netflix original shows like HOUSE OF CARDS. Post Show Recaps features Rob Cesternino from Rob Has a Podcast.

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