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Podcast (lost): Download (Duration: 57:48 — 39.7MB)
Happy 4.8.15 Day! Today is a once-in-a-lifetime LOST holiday, so how about a once-in-a-lifetime LOST LIVES holiday special?
That’s right, LOST LIVES lives again — at least for one more podcast!
In today’s episode, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) gets together with Jo Garfein (@jopinionated) to nerd out about their favorite show, in a wide-ranging conversation about current events in the LOST universe, Jo’s work with Cancer Gets Lost, Josh’s recent trip to Hawaii where he visited several LOST shooting locations, and much more — including some conversation about a new-ish show that Jo thinks LOST fans will enjoy.
When will LOST LIVES return again? Who knows! But one more podcast is better than no more podcasts. If you have ideas for future LOST LIVES shows, leave them in the comments section below, send us an e-mail through our feedback form, or record a voicemail. Until then, see you in another podcast!

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