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LIVE on Wednesday, May 14th, Josh Wigler and Terri Schwartz recap of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s season finale: Beginning of the End.
Recap of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Finale: The Beginning of the End
In the podcast, Josh and Terri discuss:
- Their thoughts on the first season of “Agents of SHIELD,” and whether or not it ever fully recovered from a disappointing start
- The HYDRA twist that turned SHIELD upside down, including the reveal that Agent Ward was working with the enemy
- Coulson’s status as an Avenger, and the newly minted Director of SHIELD
- What’s up with Coulson’s mysterious writing at the end of the episode?
- Will Skye’s history as an 0-8-4, and her monstrous parents, become a major factor in season two?
- FitzSimmons’ role in the finale, and how it was symbolic of how much “SHIELD” has improved since its early episodes
- The use of Nick Fury in the finale, and whether or not he was even needed
- The show’s borderline disastrous misuse of Deathlok, and whether we’ll see that character going forward
- Why “Agents of SHIELD” is poised to have a much stronger second season, and how Marvel is about to dominate the TV screen for the 2014-2015 season
Finally, want more coverage of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Post Show Recaps? Tell us in the comments and we’ll work on bringing it to you for season 2 of the ABC series in the Fall.
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