Pam & Tommy Finale Recap

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Pam & Tommy Finale Recap

Pam & Tommy has arrived on Hulu in all its 90s glory and Post Show Recaps is here to provide some limited coverage and more importantly context for the salacious series about the stolen sex tape that shocked the internet in its infancy and changed media forever.

Our rockstar trio is back with a bit of a hangover to cover the second half of Pam & Tommy. In this second episode of our limited coverage discussing episodes 4-8, join Brooklyn Zed (@hardrockhope), LaTonya (@lkstarks), and Ariel (@thatotherariel) for a conversation about consent, the patriarchy, and Dolly Parton. And give Lily James all the awards!

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Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

When your favorite show ends, we're just getting started. LIVE interactive podcasts take place on Youtube, right after the episode ends of shows like THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, 24 plus Netflix original shows like HOUSE OF CARDS. Post Show Recaps features Rob Cesternino from Rob Has a Podcast.

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