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That swing set may be finished, but we are just getting to work talking about this show! Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) and Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro) congregate to both celebrate and eulogize Parks and Recreation, a show which they will truly miss in the saddest fashion.
The series finale of the sitcom jumped further into the future with a series of character-based epilogues. The two discuss the implications of these flash forwards and answer several questions, among them:
- Which story lines were more humanizing than funny, and vice versa?
- How did Mike and Antonio feel about some of the storylines covered in post-“Leslie and Ron” episodes?
- Why does Tom stick out like a sore thumb in this season?
- What were some of the highlights of post-2017 coverage from tertiary characters, including Craig and Jean-Ralphio?
- What lasting effect will the series have on the landscape of television comedy?
- How many celebrities can Mike Bloom get mixed up in the course of one podcast?
So whether you’re paddling your canoe in an open lake, trying to sell a property near the Seattle Spacehaystack, or pulling insurance fraud to start a restaurant in Tajikistan, “treat yo self” to this podcast!

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