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Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur continue their journey to watch every Seinfeld episode as they discuss Season 8, Episode 10, “The Andrea Doria”.
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Seinfeld Post Show Recaps: The Andrea Doria
Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur would never sink your hopes, as they continue to churn out a new Seinfeld Post Show Recap each week. This time, they discussed “The Andrea Doria”, which first aired November 28, 1996 as part of season eight. The episode was written by Spike Feresten, who recently liked one of Chester’s tweets.
Jerry’s Storyline – Jerry learns that Newman has been hiding mail bags in the storage locker he was sharing with Kramer. When he goes to confront him, Newman tells him he’s given up on being a mailman after not getting a transfer to Hawaii. Inspired to get rid of Newman, Jerry decides to help him, even delivering the mail for him. But Jerry was too accurate when covering for Newman, so the transfer went to someone else. Grade: Akiva – A, Rob – B
George’s Storyline – George lands a new two bedroom apartment in his building. Just as he starts moving things in, the lady from the tenant board informs him they are giving the apartment to an elderly man who survived the sinking Andrea Doria years ago. George finds ways to poke holes in the validity of the story, and gets an opportunity to appeal to the board with his side. He visits with Frank and Estelle for some inspiration, and they of course, deliver. His sad life blows Mr. Eldridge out of the water. When he finally gets to move in, Alan barges in instead, having won the tenant board over with all he has been through. Grade: Akiva – A, Rob – B+
Elaine’s Storyline – Elaine is set up on a date, but while waiting for him to arrive, the waiter tells her he can’t make it because he was stabbed. After learning that he was stabbed by an ex-girlfriend, Elaine found this a turn on rather than a warning sign. She goes on a date with Alan, where another ex-girlfriend throws hot coffee in his face. When she finally breaks it off with him, he calls her “big head”, which she ultimately starts obsessing over. She decides to see him again and he further insults her, so she ends up attacking him as well. Grade: Akiva – A-, Rob – C
Kramer’s storyline – Kramer starts developing a bad cough, but he’s skeptical of doctors and won’t get checked out. When he hears a dog with the same cough, he borrows the dog and gets some medicine from a vet. Taking the medicine starts making him act like a dog, and despite Jerry’s efforts, he still resists going to the doctor. Jerry has to trick him with a trip to the park to take him to the doctor, but Kramer figures it out and runs away and biting Newman in the process. Grade: Akiva – B+, Rob – B
Episode Ranking – 39
Emails – Greg pointed out that Akiva frequently starts sentences with “I mean”. J Webb emailed in with several observations. Dom thought the most unbelievable thing in last week’s episode was Jerry going to his hometown career day, because he never came back for one in his real hometown. Johnny De Silveira didn’t think the term blind date was ever considered offensive. Caleb asked if they had any crazy ex-girlfriend stories. Lindsay asked if they have been passed over for a job. Dan the benefactor wondered why Alan would make up mean things about Elaine.
Pat asked why George didn’t just move into Mr. Eldridge’s place and let him have the bigger one. Amir wondered why Elaine’s friend would set her up with this guy Alan when he’s a known jerk. He also pointed out that the shrinkage story wouldn’t have landed because women don’t understand shrinkage. Finally, in his long awaited return, Chester weighed in on a few things from the episode that he found implausible.
Tune in next week as the guys will recap “The Little Jerry”. Send in your questions by emailing [email protected]. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast by going to postshowrecaps.com/