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Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur continue their journey to watch every Seinfeld episode as they discuss Season 8, Episode 21, “The Muffin Tops.”
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@Keev26 Gaff
— Spike Feresten (@spikeferesten) April 12, 2017
Seinfeld Post Show Recaps: The Muffin Tops
Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur have brought all their muffin stumps to the dump and are ready to bring you a new Seinfeld Post Show Recap. This time they discussed “The Muffin Tops”, which first aired May 8, 1997 as part of season eight. The episode was written by Spike Feresten.
Jerry’s Storyline – Jerry accidentally shaves too much when evening his chest hair, leading him to shave it all off. Kramer warns him not to do it again, but his new girlfriend Alex seems to like the shaved look, so he keeps doing it. When on Kramer’s real Peterman tour, his hair starts to grow back in, causing him to itch incessantly. The episode ends in absurd fashion when the full moon, coupled with Jerry’s hair growth plays out like a werewolf movie. Grade: Akiva – D- , Rob – C-
George’s Storyline – George is left with a stranger’s suitcase, so he decides to keep it when the guy doesn’t come back for it. An attractive woman named mistakes him for a tourist, and he decides to go along with it. Though she doesn’t seem to think George is cut out for New York, he pretends his job and his apartment were just found that day. Mary Anne accidentally tells Steinbrenner George actually works for Tyler Chicken, which upsets him enough to “trade” George to them for a lucrative chicken hot dog deal. Later, George runs into the tourist, only to have the guy take the clothes off his back. Grade: Akiva – A, Rob – A-
Elaine’s Storyline – While promoting Peterman’s book, Elaine sees her old boss Mr. Lippman. She mentions off-hand to him her idea for a store that only sold muffin tops. Later on in the episode, she sees he’s opened a store based on her idea, though he quickly agrees to share the profits. They end of having trouble getting rid of the muffin stumps, even having a homeless shelter turn them away when they donated. Eventually, Kramer agrees to take them off their hands. Grade: Akiva – A, Rob – A
Kramer’s storyline – Kramer is upset about the release of Peterman’s book with all the stories he sold to Peterman. After getting kicked out of a book signing for claiming to be the real Peterman, he decides to start the “Real Peterman” tour for $37.50 a ticket. Kramer gets Jerry and his new girlfriend to go on the tour, which has really just turned into him running the leftover muffin stumps to the landfill for Elaine. Grade: Akiva – A-, Rob – B
Episode Ranking – 31
Emails – Johnny De Silveira noted the dog in the park was not the breed mentioned. Craig wondered what they thought of the abrupt ending of George with the Yankees. Lindsay asked what their favorite muffins are. Max the millennial wondered if the tag with Newman was a Pulp Fiction homage. Pat asked if Lippman and Elaine could have sold the stumps for a dollar. Caleb asked if they have ever pretended to do something just to get a girl’s attention. Dan the benefactor said he sees a lot of tourists in San Francisco still with paper maps and can’t understand it. Finally, Chester chimed in with an array of takes.
Tune in next week as the guys will recap the final episode of season eight with “The Summer of George”. Send in your questions by emailing [email protected]. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast by going to postshowrecaps.com/ seinfelditunes where you can rate and review the podcast. You can get a discussion going by leaving a comment on the show pages, and as always, you can follow them on Twitter @robcesternino and @keev26.