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Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur continue their journey to watch every Seinfeld episode as they discuss Season 8, Episode 18, “The Nap.”
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Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur just got back from their swim in the East River to bring you a new Seinfeld Post Show Recap. This time, they discussed “The Nap”, which first aired April 10, 1997 as part of season eight. The episode was written by Gregg Kavet and Andy Robin.
Jerry’s Storyline – Jerry is having his kitchen cabinets redone, but Conrad the carpenter working on it is taking a long time. Frustrated by him asking too many questions, he lets George take Conrad to build a nap area underneath his desk at work. When Conrad gets back to Jerry’s, he still can’t get anything done without asking Jerry about every detail. Jerry yells at him, telling him to just figure it out on his own and be done by the end of the day. When Jerry gets back, Conrad completely redesigned everything, causing Jerry to ask him to change it back to normal. Grade: Akiva – C-, Rob – C
George’s Storyline – George is frustrated because he can’t take a good nap at work. He accidentally discovers that under his desk is a perfect spot, but he needs Jerry’s carpenter Conrad to make some space and add some shelves. While napping in his spot, Steinbrenner comes in with a question, and decides not to leave until George gets back. George has Jerry call in a bomb threat to get Steinbrenner out, but it backfires when Steinbrenner and his grandkids take cover under the desk. Later when Steinbrenner hears George’s alarm clock ticking under the desk, he calls in a bomb squad to destroy the desk. Grade: Akiva – A, Rob – A
Elaine’s Storyline – Elaine is dating a new guy named Hal, who is obsessed with taking care of his back. When he has a special mattress delivered to her apartment, she is turned off by his assumption he’ll be in her bed soon. She gives the mattress to Kramer, but soon discovers Hal had it specially contoured to her body type. She gets the mattress back, but it now smells like the East River after Kramer slept on it. Elaine hurts her back trying to move the smelly mattress out, and her doctor sends her out swimming in the East River for treatment. Grade: Akiva – C, Rob – C
Kramer’s storyline – Kramer has been swimming hundreds of laps at the local pool, but they don’t give him enough of a workout time. He discovers that if he swims the East River from one bridge to another, he gets his proper workout. After one of his swims, Jerry notices Kramer’s foul stench, but the benefits of his swim outweigh the smell for Kramer. After he shares his secret with Hal, Hal spreads the word, and Kramer’s swim lane in the river ends up too crowded for him to enjoy. Grade: Akiva – B-, Rob – B-
Episode Ranking – 76
Emails – Johnny De Silveira asked them about the last song to get stuck in their heads. Jim asked what was the best place they’ve ever napped. Caleb asked how Jerry got Steinbrenner’s office number. Lindsay wondered how they feel about swimming as an exercise. Coach Jason asked what they thought about Connie Sellecca’s attractiveness. Mike recommended getting the Casper mattress to Elaine in the future.
Matt noted that the Queensboro Bridge to the Brooklyn Bridge is over 11 miles round trip. Ariel found it strange that there was a plane hijacked and a bomb threat in back to back episodes. David thought it was more of a Kramer move to fall asleep in Jerry’s cupboards. Finally, Chester chimed in with an array of takes.
Tune in next week as the guys will recap “The Yada Yada”. Send in your questions by emailing [email protected]. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast by going to postshowrecaps.com/