On Sunday night, Galavant reached its climax—if not an ending, happy or otherwise. How satisfied you were with the finale probably depends on how sympathetic you are to Dan Fogelman’s cojones-out-to-there gamble on a second season: he ratcheted up the anticipation for one by turning just about every relationship on its head and leaving all […]
Sarah Freeman recaps the episodes 5 & 6 of ABC's musical, Galavant.
American Horror Story
Nov 12, 2014 - Cory Bettel recaps the fourth instalment of American Horror Story, Freak Show, episode six, "Bullseye".
Once Upon A Time
Nov 3, 2014 - Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) and Curt Clark (@curtclark) recap episode 6 of the fourth Once Upon A Time season, "Family Business".
Oct 27, 2014 - Mike Bloom (@amikebloomtype) and Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) will talk about the Kwons through the lens of their first flashback episode, "House of the Rising Sun," on the tenth anniversary of the episode's initial airing.
Sons of Anarchy
Oct 15, 2014 - Rob Cesternino (@robcesternino) and Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) recap episode 6 of the final season of Sons of Anarchy, "Smoke 'em If You Got 'em". Join us LIVE Tuesday, October 15th at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT.
Boardwalk Empire
Oct 13, 2014, - Antonio Mazzaro (@acmazzaro) and Jeremiah Panhorst (@jpanhorst) recap episode 6 of the final season of HBO's Boardwalk Empire, "Devil You Know".
The Strain
Aug 17, 2014 - On this recap, Josh Wigler (@RoundHoward) is joined by co-host, Antonio Mazzaro (@ACMazzaro), to recap episode 6 of The Strain: “Occultation”.
The Leftovers
Aug 4, 2014 - Scott Gallagher recaps episode 6 of HBO's The Leftovers, "Open Season".
True Blood
July 28, 2014 - Cory Bettel recaps episode 6 of the final season of True Blood, "Karma".
Orange is the New Black
June 26, 2014 - Jessica Liese and Taylor Cotter review Orange is the new Black, Season 2 Episodes 7, 8, 9 & 10. Join us LIVE after you have watched the episodes to ask your questions about the show.
Orange is the New Black
June 20, 2014 - Jessica Liese and Taylor Cotter review Orange is the new Black, Season 2 Episodes 5 & 6. Join us LIVE after you have watched the episodes to ask your questions about the show.