Everything is Spider-Man | A Friendly Neighborhood Rewatch

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Everything is Spider-Man | A Friendly Neighborhood Rewatch

It’s the season of Spider-Man! Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Kevin Mahadeo (@kevmahadeo) pivot from their Marvel Cinematic Universe: Infinity Saga rewatch to dive deep into all things Spider-Man. Strap in as the podcast prepares to web up takes on Spidey’s cinematic journey, from the Sam Raimi trilogy through Into the Spider-Verse.

Up first: a primer! Josh and Kevin give an overview on Spider-Man and his history across various media, from comics to cartoons and well beyond.

Send feedback for the Everything is Spider-Man rewatch the same way as always: [email protected]. Don’t forget to send your scores for the movies, villains, hero and costumes as well.

Swing into more Everything is Super content: 

Everything is Super | A Marvel Cinematic Universe Rewatch

Spider-Man: Far From Home | A Marvel Cinematic Universe Rewatch

Spider-Man: Homecoming | A Marvel Cinematic Universe Rewatch

Rob Cesternino & Josh Wigler, TV Recapper

When your favorite show ends, we're just getting started. LIVE interactive podcasts take place on Youtube, right after the episode ends of shows like THE WALKING DEAD, GAME OF THRONES, 24 plus Netflix original shows like HOUSE OF CARDS. Post Show Recaps features Rob Cesternino from Rob Has a Podcast.

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