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The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere Recap Podcast | Who Did Negan Kill?
Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) and Josh Wigler (@RoundHoward) get ready the Season 7 premiere of the Walking Dead coming to AMC this Sunday, October 23rd, 2016.
Join us LIVE after the west coast airing for our live podcast or subscribe to the show with the links below.
Negan’s Wrath
Rob and Josh started off discussing this controversial Walking Dead Season 7 premiere, reeling from the revelation of the cliffhanger. Rob enjoyed the suspenseful tone that the premiere episode had, believing that it has finally gone back to its true genre of horror. Rob further elaborated that he didn’t mind the graphic nature of the episode, because it was something eventful that happened in the series, that hasn’t happened in a while. Josh agreed with Rob, believing that viewers signed up for it when they tune into the Walking Dead. Josh went on to say the Walking Dead is the never-ending zombie film and that there would eventually be these horror film troupes.
However, Josh still wondered if the cliffhanger was worth the anticipation. Josh was wondering if the episode should’ve devoted twenty minutes before answering the cliffhanger. The death scenes of Glenn and Abraham also seemed too stretched out for Josh. Overall, Josh’s main complaint with this episode wasn’t so much with the content, but the amount of time it took for the scenes. Rob agreed, wondering how far back the death scenes of Glenn and Abraham were planned. Josh applauded the Walking Dead’s choice of killing of Glenn and Abraham, elaborating that the show needed to show that it was consequential and that the death of these two characters were just that. However, Josh speculated that this decision was made in the offseason, which is disappointing to him.
Rob went on to say that he believed that the scene had more of an impact that Glenn was killed rather than Abraham. Josh interjected, feeling that Abraham was merely an after thought in the scene. While Abraham’s death is still applauded by Josh, he felt that Glenn’s death alone would’ve sufficed for an emotional scene.
Show Vs. Comics
Rob asked Josh to elaborate on his thoughts about the tone of the Season 7 premiere, to which Josh mentioned how elements in the show differ from the comics. Deaths on the Walking Dead seem to be the major difference from the comics and the show, according to Josh. However, in this season 7 premiere, Josh felt that Glenn’s death came close to accurately portraying how death is depicted in the comics. Josh then elaborated that Glenn’s death received the “remix” treatment but it came the closest to the comics in terms of Glenn’s final words.
Dream Sequence
Rob was confused about the dream sequence on the Walking Dead and wondered what significance it held in the episode. Josh speculates that it was because of Rick being psychologically broken that he envisions the dinner he wanted to have. Rob wondered where were Hershel or Dale in this dream sequence and if they were invited to the dinner.
Carl’s Arm
Was Rick going to cut Carol’s arm off? Josh thought that the writers weren’t going to cut of Carol’s arm. Josh felt that with Rick being so psychologically tortured already, this dilemma was something that wasn’t needed for Rick’s character. Josh explained he also felt safe that the Carl wasn’t going to lose his arm because of the budgets and special effects. Later on, Rob and Josh answer email questions about this controversial premiere.
“The Road to Negan” Season 7 Preview Podcasts on Post Show Recaps:
Day 1 – Monday: Season 7 Preview
Day 2 – Tuesday: Rick Grimes, Carl and Michonne
Day 3 – Wednesday: Glenn and Maggie
Day 4 – Thursday: Daryl Dixon and Rosita
Day 5 – Friday: Abraham, Sasha, Eugene and Aaron
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