Final Fantasy
This week, Josh and Zed talk through "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children," the feature film sequel to the original "Final Fantasy VII." How does it hold up after two viewings in 24 hours? Josh weighs in on that front. Plus, they talk about "Advent Children" from the perspective of "Final Fantasy VII Remake," and they close the book on Zed's journey to complete "Remake" on hard mode.
Final Fantasy
This week on Final Fnatasy VII, Josh and Zed talk through hard mode. It's very hard! Poison the Hell House!
Final Fantasy
This week, Josh and Zed beat the game. Whoa! So many spoilers! We gotta talk about the ending and what it implies for the future of the "Final Fantasy VII Remake" project.
Final Fantasy
This week on the Final Fantasy VII podcast, Josh and Zed sort through the rubble of Sector 7 and begin their strike back against Shinra, covering chapters 13 through 15.