Final Fantasy
In this twelfth chapter of the journey, Zed and Adam dive into the treacherous territory of side quests! If you want to play along while you listen to the podcast journey, “Final Fantasy VII” is available on various platforms: Nintendo Switch, PS4, Steam and even the original PSX version, assuming you, like Zed, still have an old-school system. Coming up next week, we fight some more weapons and perhaps begin our journey into the Northern Cave
Final Fantasy
In this twelfth chapter of the journey, Zed and Adam finish disc 2! If you want to play along while you listen to the podcast journey, “Final Fantasy VII” is available on various platforms: Nintendo Switch, PS4, Steam and even the original PSX version, assuming you, like Zed, still have an old-school system. Coming up next week, it's sidequest time.
Final Fantasy
This week, Josh and Zed talk through "The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII," which encompasses a movie (the afore-podcasted "Advent Children") and three different video games.
Final Fantasy
This week in the Final Fantasy VII podcast, Josh and Zed take the battle to Shinra, infiltrating the heart of Midgar over the course of chapters 16 and 17. Coming next: the final chapter!
Final Fantasy
This week on the Final Fantasy VII podcast, Josh and Zed sort through the rubble of Sector 7 and begin their strike back against Shinra, covering chapters 13 through 15.
Final Fantasy
This week on the Final Fantasy VII Remake pod, Josh and Zed push it from the sewers through a haunted train graveyard all the way to the plate! They discuss three whole chapters here. Whoa!
Final Fantasy
This week on Final Fantasy VII Remake, Josh and Zed continue through Midgar, talking through three different chapters: "Chapter Five" through "Chapter Seven." Airbuster returns! Stamp debuts! It's all happening!
Final Fantasy
This week on the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Josh and Zed continue through Midgar, stopping into Sector 7 to tour the neighborhood with Tifa Lockhart. Then, they go to uncharted territory alongside Jessie, Biggs and Wedge, and meet a horrible new nemesis in the form of bike-riding Roche.
Final Fantasy
In this week's podcast, Josh and Zed embark on all the game's additional bells and whistles. It's the sidequests podcast!
Final Fantasy
In this week's podcast, Josh and Zed wander around the world in search of Cloud Strife.
Final Fantasy
In Part 6 of their Final Fantasy VII journey, Josh and Zed move on from the City of the Ancients and into the northern snowfields.
Final Fantasy
In this week's podcast, Josh and Zed dive deep into two different characters: Barret Wallace, leader of AVALANCHE; and Red XIII, a fire-tailed, four-legged enigma of a creature.