The Walking Dead
Josh Wigler joins Chappell and AJ on the hunt to discuss this week’s episode of “The Walking Dead.” Questions discussed include: Will Maggie and Negan ever get along? Is horse really that bad, and are small bites best? All that and more in this week's podcast.
The Walking Dead
Jess and Chappell have a great recap simmering for you as they recap the penultimate episode, episode 21, of The Walking Dead season 10.
The Walking Dead
Jess and Chappell are are kicking a hole in their boxcar as they are joined by AJ Mass to recap "Splinter" from The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead
Instead of strange stuffed animals, Jess and Chappell are bringing you a breakdown of all of the events of "One More,"
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is back after a midseason hiatus, and Jessica Liese and Chappell are back to recap season 10, episode 18
The Walking Dead
In week seven, the team starts with the midseason finale of "Fear the Walking Dead." Why do zombies have antlers now, and why are the podcasters talking about the Human Centipede? Fair questions! Josh, Jess and Chappell dig into the events of the episode and also forecast a possible return of a fan-favorite character.
The Walking Dead
In week six, the team starts with "Fear the Walking Dead," which went into full hospital drama mode thanks to Jenna Elfman's June. There's a huge accident at the oil site, requiring all of June's medical knowhow. How did it measure up to the lofty standards of medical TV expert Chappell? Come on in and find out!
The Walking Dead
Each week, they discuss brand new episodes from both "Walking Dead" spinoffs, charting the journeys of Morgan and friends as well as the Endlings. In week four, we start searching for "The Key," the fourth episode of "Fear the Walking Dead" season six. Then it's all eyes on "The Walking Dead: World Beyond," and one man in particular: Elton!
The Walking Dead
In week three, the trio begins with "Fear," braving plague-ridden rats in a climb toward love! Dwight and Al both have their hearts on their sleeves in this one, and guest what? So do the podcasters! They like "Fear the Walking Dead," believe it or not!
The Walking Dead
Josh and Jess welcome the legendary Chappell to join them in week one, in which they talk about the season six premiere of "Fear" and the first two episodes of "World Beyond."
The Walking Dead
Josh and Jess brave the Whisperers one last time in "A Certain Doom," the season 10 finale of "The Walking Dead."
The Walking Dead
Rob Cesternino and Josh Wigler answer your feedback questions from "The Walking Dead" Season 8, Episode 12, "The Key"